
A Foreshadow of India in 2025

India's Children and Education:

Child Labor Statistics:

  • There are 80-115 million child laborers in India, the highest in world
  • The worlds most dangerous countries for children are: Sudan, Uganda, Congo, Iraq, Somalia, and India
  • 9.8 million children (age 5-14) work economic activities and another 6.6mil work in households
  • Even though Child labour is illegal in India, there have been only 91 violations of children working in hazardous conditions

Children's Education:

  • Most children who finish government primary school are incapable of simple arithmetic and less than half of the teachers on payroll were there and teaching
  • 40% of Indians under age 30 don't know what year they gained independence
  • The literacy rate is 64% men, 45% women

Health in India:


  • There are only 5 countries in the world where a lower porportion spent on health comes form the government. Just 21% compared to USA 45%, proportion of India's GDP spent on health is 0.9%
  • Between 1999 and 2003 the number of children were fully immunised from childhood diseases dropped from 52% to 45%
  • 65% of indians are under the age of 35
  • After South Africa, India has the most HIV-positive cases in the world, in 2005 there were 5.1 million reported cases
  • 986 army personal on boarder have AIDS

Children's Health:

  • 1.2 mil child starve each year, there are 43,000 babies born daily.
  • 47% of children are malnourished, which is double the percent of malnourished children in Sub-Siberian Africa
  • In 2006 India received $300 million in World Bank grants for child development and to provide nutrition and health services to children under 6 years despite the fact a World Bank study showed this program has made no improvements over the last 30 years. Some would say the system is corrupt because India's growth rate is 9% and they consistently have a food grain surplus.
  • Half of India's children under age 6 are under nourished

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