
Final Good-Byes to India

We time in India is up and it is time to move on to Thailand! We spent everyday of a full 5 months experiencing:

• Countless Religious Temples visited: Hindu, Jain, Sikh, Muslim, Tibetan
• Temp: Low 35, High 120
• Weight loss: 25lbs each
• Cities Visited: 71
• Avg Daily Spend: $18.82 together
• Avg Hotel: $4 together, Avg Meal $1 each
• Days Spent: 157
• Languages heard: Hindi, Nepali, Urdu, Ladakhi, Punjabi, Tibetan
• Times through Delhi: 6
• Number of time taken transport between 6 and 24hrs in length: 37, all in private buses and only twice in a train car with air-con

Our Route (there is a southern part of India that is not on this map:

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